Montana Theme v1.2 HTML /CSS Site Template best suited for creative studios to showcase design, photography, illustration, paintings and art.
Key features include:
- 5 Color Variations
- 8 Unique Page Templates
- Php Contact Forms
- Google Map
- PSDs and Documentation
- and so much more…
Theme Updates
No updates yet.
External scripts and resources used:
- loopedSlider 0.5.6 Refer to the author’s documentation for additional notes on how to use it.
- Google Map v3.0 Refer to the author’s documentation for additional notes on how to use it.
- prettyPhoto 2.5.6 Refer to the author’s documentation for additional notes on how to use it.
- jQuery UI 1 .8.4 Refer to the author’s documentation for additional notes on how to use it.
- jQuery Mouse Wheel Plugin v3.0.2 Refer to the author’s documentation for additional notes on how to use it.
Photography and Images
- Photos/images are not included and can be purchased from www.shutterstock.com (26001157, 59895484, 51623188, 64539427, 63091069, 64951147)
- Photos/images by Photodune http://photodune.net/item/portrait-of-beautiful-young-woman-in-veil/629529
- Photos/images by Photodune http://photodune.net/item/beautiful-woman-portrait-sexy-girl-beauty-model/1792853
- Photos/images by Photodune http://photodune.net/item/beautiful-womans-face-and-rose-petals-perfect-skin/1177487
- Photos/images by Photodune http://photodune.net/item/romantic-beauty-retro-style/1158455

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