Submarine is a Responsive Portfolio WordPress Theme, specially designed for small digital agency or individual to show off complete and detail their awesome works . Submarine keeps everything clean so your photos and content are the central focus, all elements enhance the user experience and won’t distract the user. It’s designed to have responsive layout. That means your website will look great no matter the device or screen size on which it’s being viewed.
If you are getting ready to set up a website for your small business, personal portfolio or corporate profile, then Submarine will deliver what you need by emphasizing your projects or your portfolios or your company products or your company services.
Special Features:
- HTML 5 , CSS 3, Responsive Layout
- Powerful & easy to use theme panel
- Build in SEO Setting
- Bulid in Ads Setting
- Build in Portfolio Detail Setting
- Slideshow Image for every single portfolio
- Typography Settings
- Shortcodes
- 3 Option Customizable Main Layout
- 4 Different Color Scheme
- Custom Widgets
- Custom CSS
- Mega Menu
- Page Template
- Social Share
- Thumbnail Resizer Setting
- Backup Theme Setting
- Customizable Contact Page Setting
- Support with more 200 font from Google Web fonts
SEO Settings
Through the SEO settings you can increase the volume of traffic that your website receives from search engines. Those options can help you improve both the source code of the page and the contents of the page itself. Submarine have options panel to lets you tweak and modify an array of SEO parameters, from page titles to meta information.Color Scheme
Four different color schemes are available for your pleasure: default(yellow), red, orange and green. Missing your favorite color? Don’t worry, with our structurized CSS files, you can easily create a custom stylesheet with your CSS skills.Shortcodes
The theme comes with quite a few shortcodes that are easily accessible thanks to a visual self-explanatory user interface that is accessible by clicking the shortcode button when you write a post. Most shortcodes require you to enter additional information and then get generated by the theme on its own, starting from buttons to grid columns. You can also choose to nest various shortcodes. Refer to the Shortcodes page for examplesLayout Settings
You now have the power to choose different layout setting for each portfolio, post or page. You can set the layout to fullwidth, two column left-content, and two column right-content. Or you can set by general layout setting in theme panel.Typography
There are options in this panel to customize how the typography on your website looks like. There are General text font style, heading 1, heading 2, heading 3, heading 4, heading 5 and heading 6 font style. You can specify the font type, font size, font style and font color in each section. This option will be appear if you activate custom typography. Support with more 200 font from Google Web fonts.Custom Widgets
The theme also comes with built in extra widgets:- About Company & Social
- About Contact Company
- Advertisement Widget
- Company Address
- Facebook Like Box
- Flickr Widget
- Google Maps
- Latest Post Type
- Portfolio Status
- Subscribe by Mail
- Tabs Widget
- Taxonomies Widget
- Twitter Fans
- Twitter Stream
- Video Post Widget

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